
Stay up-to-date about what happens at Thorn Lab!
October 26, 2021
Alphafold and the Holy Grail of Structural Biology

The A.I. system Alphafold has revolutionized the method of research in structural biology—or has it?This talk, delivered by Max Edich, gives an overview about the capabilities and limitations of Alphafold and sets it into perspective of topical problems and research endeavours in the life sciences. Read the original paper of Alphafold and Alphafold 2:

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August 24, 2021
Poster Presentation at IUCr 2020

Our doctoral researcher Maximilian Edich presented his first conference poster at the 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography that just took place in Prague, both on-site and online. It showcases EvoDock, a protein structure analysis tool that combines molecular modeling and evolutionary algorithms to optimize the structures of ligand-binding proteins via the best […]

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July 5, 2021
1st ECA lunch webinar

Dr. Andrea Thorn delivered a talk about the Coronavirus Structural Task Force at the European Crystallographic Association's inaugural lunch seminar on June 10th 2021. A recording of the talk is available online, recorded by chair Luzia Germann and cut and hosted by Philipp Hans.

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July 2, 2021
Ph.D. thesis award for our researcher

Nobody is born as the perfect scientist. It takes a lot of time for training and education, ample experience, as well as passion and dedication to conduct cutting-edge research. We are very proud that our post-doctoral researcher Yunyun Gao's Ph.D. thesis got an award as one of the best of his cohort by the "Freundes- […]

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June 1, 2021
Thorn Lab is hiring!

Thorn Lab and the Coronavirus Structural Task Force are looking for an experienced web designer to pick up responsibility to improve the look and feel of our webistes, and We are an international team of scientists at Hamburg University researching the latest methods of data analysis in structural biology and thoroughly investigating the […]

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